Sanitarium Management at head office have treated us as a joke. All we ever asked for was a fair go for us and our families. Sanitarium maintains it cares for the community but it would seem, we are not part of any community. We just work hard at Sanitarium, produce a great product, deliver the profits and get treated badly and paid poorly for it.
Well, enough is enough, Sanitarium's time is well and truly up. We will campaign and fight hard to get what we deserve including industry standards in pay, conditions, safety, consultation and for Sanitarium to consider the flexible needs of our families who live in the very community Sanitarium maintains it supports.
We urge all Sanitarium workers to fully support the campaign and join the union and get the respect and dignity we deserve as workers and to campaign until we achieve justice for all Sanitarium workers and our families.
How can I support the campaign?
To the previous query....just email us at sanitariumworkers@gmail.com
and we will give you the details of actions you can assist with. I'm not sure whether you are a worker at sano or someone who just wants to help but you are more than welcome.
Are the names on the poster the protest organisers?
just curious as to what is happening as i've just spent the weekend in Batemans Bay with my wife and seen all these posters around the local shops and streets
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