Sanitarium Management since the recent election of a Rudd Labor Government have now hit an all time low. In a bitter response to the federal election result, they have now issued common law contracts to Award employees at Cooranbong in a desperate attempt to keep alive John Howard's Workchoices corpse with his AWA principles of removing workers conditions in mean spirited move by once again hurting Sanitarium Employees and their families who are already struggling to meet their needs.
By issuing common law individual contracts, they are attempting to force the minimum standards under the Howard Government's 'WorkChoices' legislation to avoid having employees covered under a union collective agreement. This is purely aimed at reducing employees current conditions of employment and guaranteeing that employees are excluded from any collective agreement under the proposed Labor Government's IR changes which seeks to restore the balance and fairness in collective bargaining which is a key part of the policy platform.
In correspondence sent to the union from Sanitarium's Group Human Resources Manager - Donna Bailey states: "We note that we have recently had a change of Government. As it moves away from the use of AWA's, the new Labor Government has foreshadowed an increased role for its "Forward with Fairness" policy platform."
This is in our view a sneaky and grubby attempt to now use common law contracts to hurt these minimum award Sanitarium employees by removing and further slashing their conditions of employment. This has nothing to do with common law contracts under a Rudd Labor Government. Common law contracts have been invariably used at the high end of town, not for workers who are on as little as $16 per hour. No Worker should sign any contract that seeks to remove conditions like this does!
As usual, the union has immediately attempted and offered to meet Sanitarium Management to give them the opportunity to explain their position and as usual has refused that request.
Join the Sanitarium Campaign to bring justice for these workers and their families. Email your name and details to sanitariumworkers@gmail.com and we will contact you to assist in the campaign.
Not Soooooooooo Goooooooood Satanarium!
Why is it that Sanitarium can never do the right thing? They have obviously been fooling the public for a long time but how long can that last?
There are some people that are doing the right thing at sano...it just so happens that they are few and far between
well done sanitarium management, good to see you follow your christian values and ethics by bending us over and trying to shove another one up our hooters.
if ignorence is bliss,sano managment at head office must be the happiest,drunk with power bunch of small minded weiners that ever tried to run a company.........eh?
now we have sanitarium management getting our team leaders to re apply for their own positions. Why would you want to re apply for a position that you already hold? So they can sign there new contracts, thats why. I see renshaw and timms did'nt have to apply for their positions. Management would have to be the biggest hypocritical b.....ds ever put on this earth. Christians you say! well the Devil is more of a christian than you ar..h...s will ever be.
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