Sanitarium Management have refused to allow the LUCRF Representative to come on site and give a presentation on superannuation for the benefit of sanitarium workers. Could it be that Sanitarium and their Management directly benefit by using Mercer? Why else would they only be prepared to allow workers to hear from one superannuation fund?
Why would Sanitarium Management stop any employee from possibly achieving greater returns and better financial security for their family. Workers should be able to compare and decide for them and their families where they want their superannuation. All sanitarium workers should be demanding that they want to hear how LUCRF are performing.
It is Sanitarium Workers and their families future that they should be able to decide what fund is financially best for them. The legislation does now allow for choice but apparently not at Sanitarium!

So now Sanitarium Management are stopping their workers from possibly securing a greater financial future for their families in retirement!
The hide of them! Even the 'die hard' Sanitarium supporters must be starting to question the motives of these corporate thieves.
this may be a stupid question but where does sano head office management put there super money?. bet its not with MERCER.Like head office they dont perform either.
should be an inquiry held into sanitarium to find out where all their tax free money goes. kellogs and uncle tobys pay all their taxes and their employees enjoy far better working conditions, wages and superanuation schemes than sanitarium employees. guess all the fat cats at the top get a kick back by having their employees in mercer.
shouldn't the australian public be told that they have been eating meat filled weet bix for at least the last 6 months. yummo cockroach filled weetbix that should raise the protein level in kids by heaps.
For the Record......
Avg Return over past 3 years
LUCRF 10.3% MERCER 8.4%
Avg Return over past 5 years
LUCRF 12% MERCER 10.7%
Avg Return over past 30 Years
LUCRF 11.51% MERCER Not been going that long
LUCRF was the first Industry Fund Established whilst MERCER is a Master Trust Fund
I wonder why Sanitarium Management would want their workers to be worse off financially....can you guess?
The cochroach and tax things aside, we're talking about Sanitarium and their relationship with Mercer Superannuation here right? So, just why are Sanitarium preventing LUCRF representatives on site? I'd be interested to read what Sanitarium's corporate had to say on this?
to the previous comment,the C.E.O OF SANO, KEVIN JACKSON TOLD NO WORKERS AT ANY SANO SITE ABOUT THIS APPALLING ACTION. HE CONTACTED THE LUCRF REP, DAVID MEHAN AND TOLD HIM HE WAS NO LONGER ALLOWED TO GO TO ANY SANO SITE.but dont worry the UNION, its memebers find out these things and we tell those people who need to know.
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