In a Memo dated 3 April, advising employees of the Newcastle Show Public Holiday that was sent to all site employees from the Site Manager, Adam Burton, in his second paragraph states:
"While this Public Holiday is not applicable to all employees, the Company has decided, on this occasion, to make it available to all employees at the Cooranbong Manufacturing Unit".
Can you believe this? According to Mr Burton, this holiday is not applicable to all employees but Sanitarium has decided to make it available to all employees!
No, No Mr Burton, the holiday has been gazetted by the NSW Department of Industrial Relations and their press statement says:
"The NSW Department of Industrial Relations has gazetted Friday 11 April 2008 a local show day holiday for the Newcastle Show. The Show Day holiday will apply to the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Local Government Areas."
This means that Sanitarium has made nothing available as suggested and that all employees are entitled to this holiday by LAW!
Employees expect better Mr Burton!
do yourself a favour and read up on LOCAL public holidays. They are not for all workers according to industrial relations.
you would come across more credible if the crap you uttered was accurate.
When do the employees at Sanitarium realise they are being treated like stupid fools and finally stand up and take some real action?
It's great that workers are highlighting their plight and bringing their story to the public's attention but a stronger stand is now required. C'mon guys, show them that you can make a difference!
In response to the person who suggests we "should read up on local public holidays"
This particular Newcastle Show Day holiday in previous years has been contained in some awards only, meaning that only workers covered by those Awards were entitled to the holiday....got it so far?
This year however, the State Government's Industrial Relations Department has Gazetted this years holiday for all workers in the area...which means that all workers are entitled to it irrespective of which Award they are covered by.....Hope that clears up more of the Bullshit
The "crap uttered" incidently is coming from only one direction and we will let readers determine who that is!
We still however thank you for your comments even though you obviously haven't read up!
Speaking about being credible, isn't interesting that in all previous years, Sanitarium only "made the show day holiday available" to those employees who were covered under the Storeman & Packers Award but never gave it to the majority of employees who are covered under the Grocery Products Award.
This year it is gazetted as a public holiday for all employees and guess what? Sanitarium attempt to make out they are giving it all employees who are supposedly not entitled to it!
Nice attempt to 'pull the wool' over Sanitarium employees, but don't think you are going to get away with it unchallenged.
All Employees are entitled to be given the TRUTH and the day off!
I welcome the debate & response from management and challenge them to put their name to their comments on this issue.
Martin Cartwright
NUW Official
well sanitarium you've done it again. i certainly hope that while your employees are enjoying show day off that you are all busy having the place fumigated, as the coachroaches are walking away with the joint. we wouldn't want coles, woolworths and aldi finding out about this, what about all the product still being stacked outside when it's produced, sanitarium a health food company i think not! shame. shame shame.
where is mr brave "do yourself a favour" now?
no doubt you have a chance to hear the response and have well and truly dissapeared with your tail firmly entrenched between the legs!
pity we were looking forward to your return of serve...tennis elbow perhaps!
i wish to add further to sano"s inept way of making it harder for families. the previos three day weekend the pays went in wednesday midnight to be available on thursday.show day weekend,{can you guess whats coming}pays went in thursday night,banks had show day off as well.so if you only have pass book account you were rich on monday.but you could not take your kids to the show because you had no money.thats taking care of your family. good one SANO.
in response to the one about having the work areas sprayed.!!they did the other afternoon while the production was in full swing,cochroachs they went everywhere and the workers were still doing there jobs,choking on the chemicals.but thats ok management say there only casuals,they dont matter.
well fellow employees just letting you know that you shouldn't close your eyes for a minute at work or you will be carried away by all the cockroaches
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME sanitarium
Bad OH&S
Food Contamination
You don't have to worry about the union destroying sanitarium. The management and their off siders are successfully and slowly self-detructing the company from the inside out by themselves.
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