When the NUW Organiser, Garry Cripps questioned the unfairness of this decision, HR through Sanitarium's representative, Donna Wynn stated..."We have a Employee Collective Agreement (ECA) at Berkeley Vale and the Award doesn't apply here.." You heard it here! In other words, an agreement' that is designed to take away your rights and Award conditions...no wonder they had three attempts at 'ramming' it through at Berkeley Vale!
So, why is it that Berkeley Vale works additional hours leading up the public holiday whilst Cooranbong works shorter hours?
The answer is very simple...Berkeley Vale workers voted to support a Non-Union Agreement twice since 2003 and have lost their RIGHTS and AWARD conditions.
The lesson here is obvious...Whilst ever workers' support any management supported agreement on employment conditions, without a UNION SIGNED AGREEMENT, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR AWARD CONDITIONS!
Let this lesson in another example of Sanitarium greed be even more reason to build a stronger UNION at Cooranbong and to be active so that workers never have to give away their RIGHTS and Award Conditions like Berkeley Vale.
We have retained our P/H conditions at Cooranbong to work less hours prior to the public holiday by taking a stand and then acting on it with strong union support. In order to maintain this along with other rights and conditions, workers must fight for a UNION AGREEMENT!
Unity at Cooranbong is great to see....great work to all union members!
1. Join the Union and GET INVOLVED.
2. Support each other and fight for a UNION AGREEMENT.
So what's new? Sanitarium removing conditions and rights off workers. Maybe the union should reseach the last 'century' and I am sure they will unearth much more about this Company and the Church. Sanitarium's hypocrisy is pure bliss!
Stealing back two hours off workers and their families at Easter doesn't sound like christian values to me!
Can you blame Sanitarium for ripping workers off if workers are silly enough to vote and accept it? I though that what all companies do this if they can get away with it? That has been my experience!
In response to the previous comment...Sanitarium is a 100% church owned company supposedly with christian values.
To take away either hours or pay off workers is unnaceptable at any time, but to carefully design and construct agreements that remove pay and conditions, particularly at Easter is abhorrent.
With all the publicity and the actions underway at present, Sanitarium's latest decision means that they just don't care what anyone thinks including the very decent folk that have supported the church for many years.
I would be very surprised if the decision makers in the Church supported this.
well done to all union members that have carried on the fight since i was made redundant. great to see that your not going to be ripped off over easter. CHRISTIAN doubt that very much, management would pull the teeth out of their own parents mouths if they could get 10 cents for them. as i have always stated the devil is more of a christian than these people will ever be. so don't ever give up and keep sticking it into them. happy easter to all the union members.
Whilst out driving the other day (mind you, I live almost 4 hours away from Sanitarium), I came across a poster, I'm very dissappointed to hear that Sanitarium also make weetbix for Coles, Woolies, Aldi, and the Black & Gold brand, so to play it safe, I shall now only purchase Uncle Toby's or Kellogs brands, I will NOT support companies who treat their workers with such disrespect.Workers DO have the right to voice their opinions.
SHAME SHAME SHAME It sounds like 97% whole-gain, not 97% whole-grain.
Why are all the comments one sided? Doesn't anyone on the otherside have anything else to say? Or is the Moderator biased and doesn't believe there maybe 2 sides to an argument. Being neutral it would be nice to see all comments.
To the previous comment!
All comments are published providing they don't contain profanity or explicit material. This forum was not moderated earlier but someone decided to post explicit sexual content which means it is now moderated. As far as your comment re the "other side" is concerned, we welcome all views whether favourable or not. It just so happens that there have not been any...probably explains why this blog was set up in the first place.
To the previous comment
Well said, if someone from the other side would like to comment, i'm willing to read it, as you say, there are two sides to every argument, so if you think Sanitarium is doing the right thing, then at least have the guts to say so on this site, if not, don't knock others who would like a say.
wish we had 4 day weekends all the time.ooohh sorry.during the easter weekend i caught up with some church people,they said...have you heard the quote> whats seen to be GOOD is BAD,{head office managment}.whats seen to be BAD is GOOD{unions}.READ YOUR BIBLE HEAD OFFICE.
Frank said: "..as i have always stated the devil is more of a christian.." - This has got to be the dumbest thing ever written. Do you have any idea who the devil is? Who's side are you really on?
Is this "Sanitarium Campaign" an industrial campaign or rather an anti -religious campaign? Many of you seem to be pointing out how "unchristian" this company is. Does it really matter that much to you? Are you a Christian yourself? Vote on that!
to the last two comments on here,sounds like you have no idea. this is about protecting workers rights and conditions in their work place.the church owns the company we work for,the busines unit of the church runs the factories for the church.it is these managers using there union reps against workers who seek to take away our working conditions and rob our families of money we have a right to earn.
I agree with the last comment. This is about workers rights and conditions, so lets stay on track here please, you know a few comments back stated we never hear the other side of the story, well my guess is,the 2 irrelevant March 28th comments IS the other side, so please if you have nothing constructive to add,then say nothing.
having worked in the factory for the last five years it's time the company stopped pushing their religious bullshit to the public outside. Making out that their a christian organisation while still content to shaft their workers behind the publics back. If they were fair dinkum they would be telling the australian public not to buy their products on friday nights and saturdays instead they hide behind lies. Then you have the ones wandering round the factory saying that the world is coming to an end. Hopefully it will for them so the rest of us can get better working conditions and better pay.
I bet the workforce at Berkely Vale won't make the same mistake again. Of course a company is going to look after it's own interests before its workforce. It's a dog eat dog world you know. But when their EBA runs out I bet the union will have a new found membership.
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