The Sanitarium shame file includes just some of the following:
our workplace rights are non existent
- we are penalised if we get injured at work with our pay being slashed
- management deny us natural justice in disciplinary matters
- management refuse to discuss our concerns
- refuse our union our legal right to represent us
- health & safety is largely ignored
- hygene is borderline at best
Sanitarium is 100% owned by the Seventh Day Aventist Church and for that they recieve company income tax exempt status which means they pay no income tax on the basis they are a charitable organisation. No one would argue if a company is pouring all of the profits they make into charity but there is no accountability as to where the profits go (Est A$300 Mil) in 2006 alone. For us though, it is not about profits it is about fairness and respect along with our rights.
Many workers are loyal to the Church and the community but when it comes to supporting us as a community we are forgotten and ignored. Our wages alone are the lowest across all of our competitors and we have no agreement in place that either protects our conditions or improves our standards of living when compared to other workers. The company policies are unfair with the workers compensation and sick leave policies hurt us and our families. We are just asking to be treated fairly with dignity and respect and to be afforded industry standards and our right to be represented by our union.
We are determined to have our voices heard and we will not back down.
Good on you guys. For so long this company has hid behind the Church but now the truth needs to come out about the way Sanitarium operates their business. It is unnaceptable to all Australians that any company should penalise or profit when workers and their families are being hurt by appalling company practices.
It is a very difficult thing to work for a corporate giant in a small church community and stand up against the unfairness that prevails in the workplace let alone the church. It is a credit to Sanitarium workers that they are finally having their say. As a former Sanitarium worker myself, I chose to leave rather than fight...I am sorry I did but I wish my former workmates all the best in their fight.
Sanitarium have never had the guts to stand up against the union instead hiding away behind closed doors preparing their current non-union agreement that will erode away more conditions and rights for these hardworking and wonderful workers I had had the pleasure to meet and represent. The NUW give all Sanitarium workers this commitment...we won't let you down and we look forward to the campaign where these corporate 'lightweights' finally understand that their workers will stand up against this hyprocrisy by Sanitarium Management.
Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when someone finally stood up against the management at Sanitarium. The trail of destruction is endless and I know of workers who have taken their own life that have worked there.
Sanitarium or Satanirium. Its the only company that I know of in the entire globe whose name has the letters "Satan" in there. Whose dam running this company. Its certainly not God...
"Count down to the Showndown" I believe Sanitarium and its weetbix days are numbered. Not only has it demonstrated its greed and relentless effort to maintain it, but for too long it has carried its success on the backs of hard working families. I appeal to all Seventh-day Adventist families, if you believe in the importance of the family unit, then you need to question the mandate and the philosophy of this company. It has certainly removed itself far from its original purpose God designed it for. It may claim its purpose is strictly a charitable one; however, it demonstrates that its purpose is to make "PROFITS" and remarkably it is well disguised and touted to all church members stating that these profits are channelled into community projects both humanitarian and otherwise. The hypocrisy of it all is that while this company enjoys the success of its profitability, the families who work at Sanitarium are denied are fair go. SDA church members wake up and know whats going on in your own back yard!!!!
as a employee at cooranbong we have been stood on too long by this company that keeps claiming that it looks after it's employee's. it's time we all took a stand and sent a message to sanitarium that we are sick of being ripped off and treated like second class citizens. as far as this companies christian values are concerned the devil is more of a christian than sanitariums management will ever be.
Don't you all think its time for the union to stop being confrontationist and start to look after their members. All I have heard for the past few weeks is how the company is badly treating everyone, well their are plenty of other companies around so get off your butts and leave. i am amazed that thing seem so bad and if they are this way instead of all this crap thats going on at the moment don't you think you should be trying to get your messages across in a better way.
Workers have rights we all know that and these rights have been obtained mostly by discussions and not by "Bully" tactics.
Addressing the person accusing the Union of being confrontationalist...the Union has made several requests to negotiate with Sanitarium who have refused time and time again to speak. What would you have us do? How do you enter into negotiations with a company who hides behind nineteenth century concepts?
Why isn't thre a banana Weet-Bix Fruity?
There is a popular misconception that the SDA church is against all Unions, this is NOT TRUE. In a statement released from the SDA Church on it clearly states that Unions have a place and role within modern society, I quote " many countries trade unions form a natural and supporting part of the negotiating process" and "That exploitation and oppression of workers have been major factors contributing to the development of trade unions in recent centuries."
What would Jesus do? Would he cut the pay rate if a worker is hurt at work through no fault of their own? There is a big difference between saying you are a christian company and acting like a christian company!
Hmm... fuck you?
Maybe someone should ask certain people what their REAL motives are for this 'campaign'. Just might turn out that it's not for the 'good of everyone' at all!
We have rights as workers, and sometimes we feel that our rights are not being addressed. This will happen in many companies not just Sanitarium. I do beleive in some things you are pushing for, but it is going about them in the right way.
We are a SDA company if you do not like our guide lines and rules then find another job.
If you have such a problem with this company do not take advantage of what the company offers, like discount on school fees, collage fees, and products.
We have lost sight in what this company has done for 1000 of people. You talk about the wrong things this company has done, what about the good things it has done to help you, your family and friends, we are quick to forget about the good things Sanitarium has done, but we always remeber what we think are the bad things.
Yes there are people who are in high positions that should not be there, but they have only themselves to answer to with what they are doing, what goes around comes around.
Sanitarium is a good company, a company that may have lost its way for a little while, but it has given you a job and opportunites, at times it has given you benifits.
Dont get to greedy and want more then what you are entilted to.
If this company goes down so do 400 people who work here how will we support our families with no jobs, no money?
I agree with the person at #16 who has quite rightly pointed out that there are 2 sides to every story, your is just one of them. This person also points out that, if as you all seem to be "hell bent"on, the company decides to ens all this by either selling the business or just closing up all of you are out or work. This may be what some of you may want so you can sit around on the dole. may I also ask realy how many employees are members of your union, a small number I am sure, probably about 20% of the workforce. So what about all the others? I guess they don't agree with your tactics and methods.
To any company managers or stooges on this forum...put your name forward if you have got the intestinal fortitude to have a real debate or maybe you can put your name forward to be contacted to attend the public forum that is being organised..we want the company management to tell the community what they really stand for instead of the hypocrisy...if you believe that profiting off injured workers is fair then come out in public and say so...let the community make up its own mind!
Well what can I say, I have been at Sanitarium for a large number of years and seen the workers getting pushed from pillar to post, know the workers are finally standing up to Management and Sanitarium they aren't liking it.
Management and HR ( How useless are they) have said for the workers to come up with a EBA, so we are and they won't even look at it because the union is helping people get a fair go and not being shafted. BUT GUESS WHAT, SANO wants nothing to do with it as the union is involved but its ok for them to have 2 PAIDED SOLICITORS working for them to look over the EBA and to change the wording to shaft the worker.
COME ON ALL SANO EMPLOYEES stand up and have a go, we deserve to get paided properly and not be bullied.
Ok lets address Martin first, Martin the reason people will not put there names down when writting these blogs is because they do not need to be singled out by the members of the union and treated differently.
Do you not realise how this company has helped so many people, even people that are part of the union.
What do you say to those who are on workers comp and are not really hurt just scheming the system, what do you say about that?
Martin have you worked for Sanitarium???? because if not you are only going of gossip, you are only hearing what you want to hear.
There are people out there that think they are so hard done by.
This company has helped families out in hard times, given jobs to 1000 and 1000 of people, provides a great discount on products to staff, gives a great christmas presents, sends flowers or gift packs to sick people or new parents, fundraisers for charity and many more other things.
Martin i would like to know more about when the public forum will be on and where it is held.
Addressing number 19 you say you have been working here for years and seen people get pushed from pillar to post so why have you not spoken up till now?
You have been working here for years so for years Sanitarium has been good enough for to have a job. But now you want to say what a crumy company it is where is your loyalty? I bet for all those years you worked here you took advantage of what they company does for us, i bet every year you took the gift card at christmas time. You took the freebies that are often handed out. You took, took, took from this company and this is how you say thankyou. Management and HR may be useless to you but if it was not for them you would not have a job here. So think about that every week when you take home your pay, think about that every morning when you wake up knowing you have a job to go to that is stable.
I am not trying to have a dig at anyone, i just think it is so unfair that if you are not happy working here leave, don't put the company down. Because you are not getting your own way.
To Mr Anonymous 20....You are obviously a boss at Sanitarium and one that is not proud enough to say so and we all know why that would be the case...I don't normally waste time responding to To now address your points:
1. No worker is 'singled' out as you put by the union as we have respect for working people and they are the very people you should not be ripping off or hurting.
2. If Sanitarium has "helped" so many people then how about addressing the real issues that do exist NOW with firstly allowing workers their LEGAL RIGHT to be represented by their union which the company refuse and start addressing the issues policies currently in place that hurt Sanitarium workers and their families. Perhaps you can start by responding to our correspondence and meeting face to face instead of getting your Solicitors to act as your 'goffer'.
3. Your comments about workers "scheming the system" as you put it are typical of out of touch management who choose to penalise all workers and their families including those being severely hurt by this disgusting policy position. If you have cases where people are "scheming" then address it as you are supposed to as a manager. Just make sure you have the FACTS first!
4. Your comments regarding gifts to obviously have spent a great deal of your life employed at Sanitarium because believe it or not, good and pregressive companies are doing the things you mention only they don't call themselves a charity and unlike Sanitarium they do pay tax. I am more than happy to show you union agreements in writing that provide the services to their employees you are bragging about.
5. Unlike management at Sanitarium, we don't play favourites or listen to gossip..we just act on behalf of our members' who have contacted us and we know are being hurt by appalling practices and having their RIGHTS violated. Has the company agreed to meet the union? NO Fact or Gossip....Does Sanitarium reduce pay for workers who are injured..YES Fact or Gossip...Has any member of mangement responded to any correspondence we have sent...NO Fact or Gossip YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS...YOUR CEO Kevin Jackson has been contacted on no less than 6 occasions with NO RESPONSE.
6. In terms of the community forum, providing your brave enough to give me your details I will provide you with not only an opportunity to attend the forum but you can get up and share Sanitarium's Policy Position and let the Mum's & Dad's in the community decide for themselves as to whether they think this is fair.
Finally and unlike you, I can give my name and I am very proud to not only be a union member and an official, but I am proud to represent the workers at Sanitarium I have had the pleasure to meet and they know that this union nor myself will be there to support them much longer than any boss at sanitarium who continues hurting working people.
Martin Cartwright
Union Official
National Union of Workers
0409 383 339
Martin i would just like inform you that i am not a boss i am an ordinary worker at Sanitarium.
Thankyou for replying to my blog.
I think it is interesting that you are picking at me because i will not share my name, the only reason you are picking that point is becasue i am not being negative about the company.
The other comments on here that are negative you are not making a point of them putting there names to it.
Also in regard to the community forum, i do not understand that if it is for the community why i cant know details about it, is it only for the selected few in the community?
Or are you worried that word will get around and more and more people will support Sanitarium.
Please dont get me wrong i am sure there are areas where this compnay could improve. But trying to bring it down is not helping any situation.
Like i keep saying if you are so unhappy working here then find another job, no one is making you stay here.
If you really dis-like the company do not accept gifts, freebies and discounts to school fees and collage fees.
I just want to make it clear that i am an ordinary staff worker, theses comments i am making are simply my own comments and feelings. I am in no way part of Management.
To anonymous again that has responded to me............Firstly I don't work at Sanitarium thank you know who for that...secondly if you want to support the company that is fine. Only your own conscience determines why you wouldn't want to publicy support something you consider good. That's why workers want this blog to be available to all with no moderated comments. Not one person has put positive comments about the company and been prepared to put their name to it...why is that!
Imagine what Sanitarium could be like if workers were able to express their views or action without the fear of intimidation or punitive measures being taken against them!
If you want to criticise anyone that's fine also...but have the strength to put your name to it whether it is a compliment or a brickbat.
Finally, if you have read some of my earlier comments I have suggested that people put their names to any comments but I do understand that workers are intimidated...this is hardly your everyday company it is one stooped in centuries old thinking..How else do you explain that they refuse to allow their workers to be represented by their union in employment related matters. Good industrial relations, fair policies and dialogue with the union are in place at any MODERN workplace today!
For those who have enquired...the Community Forum will be
OPEN INVITATION TO ANYONE but we want to give Sanitarium Management equal opportunity to give us their Key Note Speakers for the event ...if you manage to see any of them please ask who they wish to put forward on the day...
To date we have had no takers.....Wonder why that would be the case? Give us your theme for the perhaps like
Profiting off Injured workers..Does the Australian Community think this is fair?
I have got a theme although it is probably more of a question
Will your family buy weetbix if Sanitarium continues to make profits off injured workers?
Martin if you took the time to read my blog propley i never said you worked at Sanitarium, i simply asked if you HAD worked at Sanitarium before!
At the end of the day you have your opion and i have mine.
We are both on 2 different wave levels.
We will never agree on anthing that is just the way it is.
But dont shoot me down for sharing my opions, just becasue you do not like what i have to say.
Mr anonymous please..yes the one to me...maybe you should take the time to read your own messages you post...I am only responding to comments that you have addressed to are free to post whatever you like and you are right about one thing...we definately are on different wave lengths....I am on the wave length of Fact and you are on something very different but hey...maybe we can agree that profiting off injured workers is an appalling practice and if you don't agree with that..others can judge for themselves!
The Union talk about dealing in facts well they need to make sure they have all the facts right
Martin smells, pass it on.
anyone that's stupid enough to call themself "billy the butt pirate" say's it all.....
well I can see that this is a "hot" topic but as people have said before many times 1) we need both sides of the story 2) the Union seems to be hell bent on making it difficult for anyone who is against them 3) Facts should be the important thing in any discussion (not much fact yet in here). So maybe we should get some substance before anyone starts shooting their mouths off
We can all tell that the union basically dictates your comments. It does not matter if we are union members or not we have the right to decide our own destiny and not have a union spin doctor continually forcing his or her opinion on the rest of us. I do not beleive that the company has aproached anyone at who is working at Cooranbong to discuss any work agreements but the union seems to be forcing the issue. would it not be more beneficial to see what is being proposed before going off half cocked?
To all the about turning up to the meetings if you want the facts!
Well we would turn up to the meetings if we where informed about them. So tell us when the next meeting is on we will be there bring it on!!!
to anonymous that says injured workers are scheming the system it's good to see your a qualified GP.It's amazing how many times things are written into the blue book and nothing gets done. let's use the broken arm incident in loose cereal as an example,how many times was the condition of the floor written into the blue book then even when the person slipped on that spot and broke their arm nothing has still been done to this day.
An inappropriate comment was posted under my name on September 18 at 1:01pm. As I was at work at the time, this comment was clearly not written by me. I do not condone the use of that kind of language on this forum. The coward/liar who used my name must end this kind of behaviour immediately.
O wow i'm so excited being given the seconds and out of date products that nobody else wants.Must be a real treat for you. As for our christmas voucher did'nt they take $25.00 off it for a pissy little breakfast?
Here, here! Out of date, under weight products show just how much management values us. One of my personal favourites is when they decide to shut the factory down for a couple of days to add out-of-date technology that will end up in hours of lost production because it doesn't work and then they take annual leave off us.
This is an open forum where users can post their comments irrespective of their views. There has now been an example where someone has posted a comment under someone else's name. There are two things that will now occur.
1. People need to be aware that any comment can be traced to the IP Address of the computer. The person responsible for doing this will be identified. The gutless person may want to admit there wrongdoings as this could become quite embarrassing.
Who's laughing now?
to those people that have said if we are not happy here we should find jobs elsewhere. Well times are changing, once all you ever employed were SDA and did what the company asked of you even when they shafted you time and time again. Well the majority of the employees now are not SDA and don't like being shafted. Have a good look around your own community and see what is happening there. New housing estates, a new coles and eventually a butcher shop and bottle shop as more and more people move here from sydney etc. Cooranbong originally started with 7 pubs and a brothel. Maybe some of you should try working in other manufacturing industries similar to ours and see just how much better their conditions really are!
you whoo guess who?????????????? used to smoke pot and drink in the carpark
my personal favourite at sanitarium
I used to be an employee in Sanitarium. My partner also currently works there and I am dissapointed in how they are treated.
Sanitarium does have one of the lowest rates and treat their staff unfairly.
It is a shame that this is the case as Kelloggs is even more unheatly.
to all workers out there it is time we all stop blaming each other and j=get on with the real problems at hand
we all sould sit down mangerment non union and union workers and talk open about all this shit wat is going down within this factory
well I see as of monday 24th of september we have a new temporary fill in manufacturing manager. Mr Robert Polycarpou I ask you this question are you prepared to sit down and have negotiations with the union or are you going to fob us off to the company solicitors like all your gutless predecessors?
Australia is a free country -
All those who are unhappy working at Sanitarium please leave Sanitarium today, no body is making you work here, you are here because YOU choose to be.
Those of us who APPRECIATE working here don't need the school boy ways of Frank, his henchmen or the umion. When it comes time to negotiate an EBA we are SMARTER and probably more EDUCATED than any union rep, we can look after ourselves.
Have a nice day.
IT is my legal right to be represented by my union
sanitarium management all ways say just leave if you do not like work at cooranbong
sanitarium management are not smarter or educated to do e.b.a but sell used car the best
it is all embarrassing when sanitarium management say they will go overseas this is just to make MAX PROFITS
and as seventh day aventist church they will not care about the community as we work in one
they pay NO TAX and also get a government grant of $287,363 FOR RECYCLE WATER
to anonymous that's having a go at me and my henchmen. You say your educated enough to do your own EBA well you want to learn how to spell first, then maybe get yourself a bit of balls and put your name to your comments like i do. at least some of us can say we aren't afraid to speak up
Yes you are 100% right Australia is a free country a Democracy. So why don't we take a vote. If the majority or workers want a union negotiated EBA we have one. If the majority don't want the union to negotiate then we negotiate our selves. You cant get more fair than that.
I'm not employed by Sanitarium (thank god), I work for a great company,maybe Sanitarium does give their workers cheaper cereal, gifts, flowers etc, but so what, most companies do this for their workers, so you are NOT special by any means, good on the workers for standing up for themselves! as for you BIGGER WIGS on salary, well a paycut when you go on compo, probably doesn't affect you at all.
So drag yourselves out of the dark
ages, and join the REAL WORLD.
OK.Where do I start...Firstly I don't work for Sanitarium, Or Buy anything from sanitarium.I can't believe Sanitarium is getting away with this S#*T,and for so long. By the sounds of things people aren't allowed to express there opinions, and if they do they are accused of "causing trouble" and told if you dont like it, leave. Sounds like they only like YES SIR, NO SIR people, Not people who voice their opinions on the "CONDITIONS" that they have to put up with. Most companies this size
(and I work for a company a "HELL OF ALOT BIGGER THAN SANITARIUM") would "TRY" to work out the problems, before letting it get to this stage.And I'm sure "GOD" wouldn't want you treating your workers this way... AMEN.. LOL... KELLOGS ALL THE WAY.
Thank "CHRIST" I'd don't work there.
For those of you who want the Union to go away, this is what YOU have because of the work of unions over the past three centuries:
2)38 hour week
3)Sick leave
4)Maternity leave
5)Compassionate leave
6)Carers leave
7)Paid overtime (yes, workers were once expected to do overtime without pay or face the sack)
8)End of child labour in the developed world
9)Compulsory lunch breaks and relief time
I am sure that if this was all taken away you would fight and not just repeatedly use the infantile phrase, "why don't you just go?" Come to think of it, I think I heard a kindergarten kid say that to his friend on the playground today.
At my workplace, management immediately agreed to negotiate with the Union because it is far less time consuming and far more efficient than dealing with workers who aren't really sure what they are entitled to...what is Sanitarium's problem? Are they terrified of being exposed for the exploiters they really are?
just wish to thank the large number of people that approached me and one of my henchmen (dave) while we were sitting back having a relaxing time at dora creek workers last night. it's good to see so many people in the community have read the lakes mail and fully support what we are doing.
I find it amusing that most anti-union comments turn into personal attacks against Frank. I think it's time some people just grew up. Give a factual based argument (which is the purpose of this site) instead of petty personal insults. Good work Frank, for showing the courage to use your name to fight for what you know is right.
Leadership requires strength, courage, initiative, honesty, integrity, determination and to fight for what's RIGHT...Sounds like Frank to me.
Always take childish attacks as a compliment because when you start to re-write history, there are a lot of people that need to cover their 'arses' for the insidious things they have done to decent hardworking people.
You along with the REAL LEADERS are re-writing history at Sanitarium and the only thing we can wish for, is that they bottle you up and create a few more like you!
Thank you all for the efforts on Saturday for letterboxing. There are about 20,000 more that we need to get out asap so let your delegates or officials know your availability over the coming week.
I live in Toronto and I did recieve one of your flyers in my mail today. I am not sure what I can do but we won't buy weetbix if that supports your cause. Guess I will try the numbers on the flyer...good luck in your struggle
martin thanks very much for the compliments, but just to see the number of people that came forward to letterbox today and the air of freedom from sanitariums intimidation is enough thanks for me and the delegates.
I love you Frank.
Sanitarium had a policy on conflict resolution at one stage,whereby issues could be dealt with in a sensible and mature way,instead of accusing unionists as being confrontational and using bullying tactics as commented by some, when they are only trying to benefit all workers. Before all this mudslinging started, when Sanitarium had the chance to sit down and evaluate the agreement that was put forward by the workers (hence, resolution)things could have been evaluated and agreed upon at this time, and amended if agreed upon.
It's time to get back to being what a true Christian REALLY IS !!!
As a Seventh-day Adventist and former SHF worker, I am so disappointed to see Sanitarium being dragged kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century when they could be leading the way and setting the standard for workers pay and conditions. Management's attitude towards the Union is archaic and recalcitrant. Like all Australians, SHF workers are coping with mortgages, high petrol prices and rising grocery prices. Why should they be paid less than their counterparts in other companies? Come on management, negotiate now because you want to, not later because you are forced to.
It had been two weeks since Jessica’s and Heather’s first bathroom fun. These days Heather brought some carrots for use everyday, but Jessica soon got bored of this. So she decided to bring something of her own. She waited until her mom was out of town, then Jessica went into her room and stole the strap on. She had never used the strap on before and she thought it looked like fun. She wanted to try it also because it was the biggest of her mom’s dildos Jessica hoped to god that her mom never found out about this.
Jessica had quite recently lost her virginity to a girl from school named Heather. Heather and Jessica had been friends since kindergarten. Neither had known that they had lesbian feelings for each other until quite recently and now they fucked every opportunity they got. Jessica and Heather both had used normal dildos and also the two way Jessica’s mom had but neither had tried the strap on. Jessica and Heather had at school had to make due with their fingers and various vegetables from their lunches.
Heather had even at one point used a piece of celery as a two way for them. But Jessica had wanted something big in her. So that morning she stole the strap on. She put it in her bag and waited until she got to school. There she had gone up to Heather and silently told her that Jessica had a surprise for her. They had had to wait for first break but they finally got to one of the empty bathrooms they used.
“So what’s the surprise?” Heather asked excitedly.
“This!” Jessica said pulling the giant strap on from her bag. Heather gasped.
“You stole it?”
“Yep. You wanna try it?” Heather gasped again then turned bent over and pulled down her panties and lifting her uniform skirt out of the way. Jessica took off her own panties and then strapped the dildo to her waist. She then went slowly up to Heather. She then slowly began to push the dildo into Heather’s dripping cunt.
“OH GOD!” Heather moaned as this huge fake member impaled her. Jessica slowly fed the whole thing into Heather’s pussy. Heather screamed with pleasure as the giant cock started to fuck her up and down. Heather had never had this much in her and now the feeling of it made her scream. She felt as though she was going to burst. Jessica began to slowly move the huge cock back and forth. The dildo was rubbing up and down on Heather’s clit so that she was soon cuming all over the giant cock. There were juices all over the thing but Jessica continued to fuck her. In and out, in and out, Heather moaned and the pleasure began to rise again. Her pussy squirted out juices as she came a second time the juices spraying all over Jessica’s skirt.
“Oh you got me all wet.” Jessica pouted.
“oh god” Heather moaned almost passed out.
“Yeah you like that don’t you” Jessica said giving Heather another hump which drove the cock into her again.
“AHHH!!” Heather screamed. Jessica slowly slid out of her. Heather slumped against the wall skirt falling back over her pussy. Jessica got down and started lapping at her juices still dripping from her pussy. Jessica than removed the strap on and put it into Heather’s mouth. Heather eagerly lapped the pussy juices up. After this had been going on for a while Jessica decided she wanted that tongue in her pussy. So she pushed Heather to her knees and than stood over her. Heather’s head was under Jessica’s skirt and she was looking directly at Jessica’s hairless pussy. She extended her tongue and licked the cunt several times before beginning to play with the clit. Jessica breathed heavily as she felt the tongue flit over her pussy. She then felt Heather stick her tongue up into her pussy. She felt the pleasure burning through her crotch as Heather played with her pussy.
“OH GOD YES KEEP DOING THAT!” She almost screamed as Heather stuck her tongue along with her finger up Jessica’s pussy. Jessica could not take much more of this and she soon squirted her juices right into Heather’s face. Heather stood up and Jessica licked the juices off Heather’s face and t hen they kissed each other pushing the juices into each others mouth. Both loved the taste of each others cum. Heather especially loved the taste of cum and every opportunity she got she ate Jessica out. Heather and Jessica heard the bell and quickly got there dressed and left the bathroom. As they headed back to class they saw a girl that made Heather’s jaw drop. She was a small Asian who they had never seen before. She was the hottest girl Heather had ever seen. She was very hot with a perfect body and remarkably big breasts for her age. She was noticeably younger like 11 or 12. Heather went over to her.
“Hey I’m Heather what’s your name?”
“I’m Yujin I just transferred in.” She said in pleasant tone.
“I thought you must be new. What grade you in?”
“7th grade I’m 13.”
“Wow I would have sworn you were 11 or 12.”
“Yeah I look you for my age.”
“Well I got to get to class”
“Ok see you.”
Yujin walked away and Heather walked back over to Jessica.
“What was that?” Jessica asked.
“God Damn she is HOT!!!”
“You thinking what I think your thinking?”
“I think we should get her in on our fun.” Heather said.
“Hmm maybe.” Jessica thought for a little while then said. “Why not as long as she won’t tell.”
“Yes!” Heather smiled widely at the idea.
“Course we will need to find out if she likes girls the way we do.”
“Yeah we would.”
Heather and Jessica walked back into class.
Chapter 2:
Yujin left class after school and started to walk home. She walked slowly and it took about 30 minutes to get to her neighborhood. Yujin passed 6 men on her way and as she entered her neighborhood she looked back and saw the 6 men right behind her.
“Hey little girl.” The leader said.
“Uh Hey?” Yujin said back.
“We like the way you look in your little skirt and tie.” He said
Yujin ran. Or she tried to run but the six men grabbed her and pulled her down and tied her hands behind her back.
“NO!” She screamed as the men ripped her pink panties down and ripped her shirt off. The men all pulled all there pants off exposing their dicks.
“God no please don’t do this please god.” Yujin moaned. In response the leader went behind her and shoved his cock into her virgin pussy. Yujin screamed as she brutally lost her virginity. Another went behind her and shoved his cock into her ass. She screamed again. Then the third man shoved his cock in between her tits. She continued to scream.
“Shut her up.” Said the man in her cunt. The fourth man shoved his cock into her mouth. Yujin tried to scream around the cock in her mouth but it didn’t work. Soon there was a man fucking her pussy, her ass, her tits, and her mouth, while two more men jacked off. Then the two men stopped jacking off and then moved to either side of Yujin’s head and stuck there cocks into her ears! Yujin had never felt this feeling she felt…Full! Every hole in her was full of cock.
Suddenly she felt a new sensation it was an intense pleasure in her crotch. Soon she sprayed juices all over the man in her cunt’s cock. She moaned into the cock in her mouth. Then the man in her vagina moaned and she felt something spray into her. He pulled out of her and the man in her ass moved to he pussy, and the man in her tits moved to her ass and the man in her mouth moved in between her tits. Then the man who had just cum into her was getting his cock cleaned by her mouth. Then the man in her pussy came spraying his juices into her cunt. Then he moved to her mouth and the men all switched places again except for the man who had cum first, he pulled up his pants and zipped his pants up. The process proceeded until all of them had cum in her pussy. She was full of juices. They then all pulled there pants up and left her tied up and almost naked except for her skirt. Cum was leaking out of her pussy. She moaned. She felt so violated. No part of her was a virgin any more. Even her ears had been filled. She was feeling as though she was going to burst with all the cock and juices that filled her. She moaned again.
“Hello?” She heard the call.
“Here over here.” She called. She heard the rustling of bushes and then Heather and Jessica were helping her up.
“Oh my God Yujin are you alright.” They looked down and saw the juices dripping from her cunt
“Yujin are you ok?”…
Chapter 3:
Heather and Jessica walked in through the front door. Heather looked around.
“Huh I guess Mom isn’t home yet.” Heather said. Jessica giggled.
“Dose that mean we have the house to ourselves?” Jessica asked.
“Yep.” She said catching on to what Jessica meant and giving her a wink. Jessica giggled again.
Heather and Jessica went to Heather’s room. Heather closed the door and turned to face Jessica. Both looked at each other. Ever since Jessica’s dad had picked them up Jessica and Heather had been forced to ‘behave’ themselves now that Jessica’s dad had dropped them off they were gonna have some fun.
“You haven’t tried the strap on.” Heather breathed walking up and kissing Jessica.
“Yeah your right.” Jessica gasped as her friend’s hands began searching her body paying special attention to her breasts nipples and her ass.
“Oh God yeah!” Jessica moaned as Heather fondled her ass. Heather stopped then and backed away then she slowly kicked her shoes off and then began to take off her knee high socks. Jessica sat back on the bed and quickly took off her panties and threw them away and began stroking herself to the show she was getting. Heather then removed her panties. Slid them down her legs and then kicked them off. Jessica stroked her pussy faster. Then came Heathers shirt but the tie remained on hanging between her breasts. Then the skirt came sliding off. She stood in front of Jessica completely naked except for her tie.
“Where’s the strap on?” Heather asked. Jessica reached into her bag and drew out the long fake cock. Heather slipped it on and then came up to Jessica and slowly ran the dildo through her small tits and then slowly, very slowly she ran it down her body and down her legs. Jessica spread her legs eager to have Heather stick it into her, but Heather shook her head teasingly.
“Roll over and get up on your knees.” Heather said. Jessica eagerly did as she was instructed and got into the position. Heather then slowly slid the thing up and down her slit.
“Please!” Jessica begged. “I want it in me please!”
“Well since you’re begging.” Heather said and then slid it into her. The whole thing all at once, Jessica screamed. She had never been filled so much. She felt that she was about to burst.
“Oh God don’t stop fuck me, fuck me hard!” She screamed at Heather who obliged. She thrust in and out of Jessica and knew that she was feeling exactly what she herself had been feeling earlier that day. She thrust harder into her and faster. She felt Jessica shudder as the thing went in and out of her.
Jessica had never felt anything like this her whole body felt weak and she felt so small with that giant thing in her. She could feel the thing in her right up until where it ended. She wanted more though she wanted more. She was feeling the pleasure build but she held herself back. She wanted this feeling to last a long time. She had never felt this much pleasure. It was still building and she tried to contain it. She looked over her shoulder and saw Heather thrusting her hips forward the tie she wore flopping in between her breast which bounced up and down. She could not contain it any more and so she let lose. A flood of cum sprayed out of her, covering the area of the bed she was on and covering the fake cock that was in her.
“Oh God!” Jessica moaned as the orgasm finally stopped.
“Kids you here!” The shout came from the door.
“Oh crap, Mom’s home!” Heather said shocked. She quickly withdrew the strap on from Jessica, which sent another surge of pleasure through her, and then looked around and saw a dress which would work, no time to find her panties. She then took the strap on off and looked around for a place to put it. No place worked then she saw that Jessica wasn’t wearing panties.
“I’m sorry about this.” Heather whispered into Jessica’s ear and then shoved the strap on up her pussy. She then covered what was remaining out of her (The strap s and such) under her skirt. Then Heather quickly tried to find Jessica’s panties but couldn’t. The door opened and she sat down on the bed just as her mother walked in.
“Hi Mom.” Heather said brightly
“Hi, Hi Jessica.” Heather’s Mom said.
“Hi Mrs. Murphy.” Jessica said.
“What were you doing in here?” asked Mrs. Murphy.
“Oh just talking.” Heather said quickly.
“I see. Well you tow have fun I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.” Just as she was leaving she saw that the patch of blanket Jessica was sitting on was soaked, also she then noticed the dress Heather was wearing it was very short and looked like it should be more a shirt than a dress.
“You should change out of that if you’re going to go out Heather it is much to short.”
“Ok Mom.” Mrs. Murphy again began to withdraw but then noticed the pile of cloths and was about to make a comment about how Heather shouldn’t leave her school uniform lying on the floor, but then she saw a pair of panties. That was odd. Shouldn’t Heather be wearing the panties? But then she noticed a second pair. Those certainly weren’t Heather’s. Then Mrs. Murphy tried to get a look under Jessica’s skirt without the girls noticing sure enough she could see… She wasn’t quite sure what she saw. There was something sticking out of Jessica’s pussy and there were straps attached.
Oh My God! She thought Jessica has a strap on up her pussy unless I am very much mistaken. But how could Heather not… The revelation struck her daughter and Jessica were … were. She couldn’t even think it. She quickly withdrew from the room.
“Do you think she noticed?” Jessica asked.
“I don’t think so but maybe we should get out of the house just to be sure she doesn’t see anything.” Heather said
“Why did you have to shove this thing up my pussy?” Jessica asked indignantly.
“Where else was I going to put it? Besides I figured you wouldn’t mind that much it dose feel good.”
“Yeah but I came right when she came in. What would have happened if I had accidentally showed it hmm.”
“I don’t know just lets find our panties and get out of here, ok?”
“Ok you want me to smuggle the dildo out?” Jessica asked, almost eagerly.
“Yes.” Heather said knowing what Jessica wanted to do. They found their panties and quickly put them on, Jessica put hers on over the strap on still in her pussy. Heather pulled her dress down so that her panties weren’t showing. They then walked to the front door.
“Mom we’re going out for a little bit, ok?” Heather yelled
“Fine!” Her mother shouted back. They exited the building and began walking.
“Then they heard a scream coming from down the street. They began running then Jessica stopped and screamed herself though not as loudly.
“What is it?” Heather asked.
“Cuming!” Jessica moaned. After her orgasm subsided they began running again toward the screams. Jessica stopped every now and then because of orgasms. They eventually reached the spot they thought the screams had come from. They heard a groan from the bushes.
“Hello?” Heather said.
“Over here,” said a voice from the bushes, They ran over and found Yujin tied up with her shirt ripped off and her panties torn and around her ankles, her skirt was lifted revealing her pussy (Which Heather couldn’t help but admire, it was shaved and looked inviting) which was dripping cum.
“Oh my God Yujin are you alright.” Heather asked and getting no response she asked again “Yujin are you ok?”
Chapter 4:
“Take me in side please.” Yujin was crying. They untied her and helped her to her house then they entered, it was completely dark.
“Is anyone home?”
“No.” Yujin gasped still crying. They helped her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed and then they started to ask her what happened.
“I don’t know men followed me home from school and then…and then.”
“Oh my God. You were raped?” Jessica gasped? Yujin nodded and began crying again.
“Don’t cry come on now.” Heather started to comfort but then Yujin leaped into her arms still crying. Heather looked at her still in her tattered cloths and still leaking the men’s cum and something came over Heather and she kissed Yujin on the lips long and passionately. Yujin struggled at first but then started kissing her back. Soon Yujin was on Heather lap kissing her. She pressed her tongue into Heather’s mouth, while Heather put her hands on Yujin’s tits and started squeezing and then slowly feeling downward until she was sliding her hands along Yujin’s thighs and upper legs.
“Let’s let Jessica in on this.” Heather breathed as they momentarily broke apart. Jessica had put her hand in her panties and had been moving the dildo in her up and down bringing her close to a climax.
Yujin got up and went over to her dresser and took out a small vibrator.
“I love this toy.” She said moving over to Jessica and pulling her panties down.
“What’s this?” She said as she saw the strap on that was impaling Jessica’s cunt. She pulled on it and it slowly slid out of her. Jessica came as the dildo exited her. The juices sprayed all over Yujin’s hand. Yujin got the dildo fully out and looked at it.
“A strap on? Wow have you two been doing… you know.” In response Heather came over and jammed her finger up Jessica’s pussy and began fingering her. Heather looked at Yujin’s pussy and saw cum slowly dripping from it.
“I should get that out.” She said getting on her knees and laying Yujin back down slowly on the bed. She then opened Yujin’s pussy with her fingers and started sucking the cum out. There was 6 men’s worth of cum not to mention Yujin’s and there was still not enough for Heather. The taste of cum drove her crazy, she loved it she buried her face deep into Yujin’s cunt trying to suck all the cum out and get more. This was the first time she had ever tasted a man’s cum she loved it she wanted more but there was no more to be had. Still Yujin’s was great and she tried to get more. She played with the clit with her fingers and slid her tongue in and out of Yujin’s pussy. She was soon rewarded with a shriek form Yujin and a mouthful of juices. Jessica came over and slid her own fingers into Yujin. With her other hand she took her vibrator.
“Let me see your strap on.” Yujin gasped as her climax finished.
“Ok.” Jessica handed it over and Yujin took it and strapped it on under her skirt. Jessica lay down on the bed and spread her legs so that her pussy was showing and then she took the vibrator to it. She turned it on and felt a great sensation run through her. Yujin came up to her.
“Turn over.” She said.
“Trust me you’ll love it.” She said smiling. Jessica nodded and turned over. Then she felt a pressure on her ass hole. Then it increased, and then her ass gave way and something forced itself into her.
“Yujin what the hell…” She never finished as Yujin then stuck the vibrator into her pussy. It felt so good and pleasure erupted in a way that left Jessica speechless to protest as her ass was fucked. Yujin started slow but soon was full speed fucking her. It hurt and Jessica wanted to tell her to stop but the vibrator still kept her moaning and gasping for air. Soon she was going to climax. She felt the pleasure build but she felt something else to. When she came it was the most intense she had ever had. It tore through her and she felt weird but there was pleasure coming from her ass aiding the orgasm to great strength. She still felt the pain but the climax was great. Soon she lay there motionless as Yujin pulled out of her. Her juices were soaking Yujin’s bed and soon Jessica was forced to put her panties back on.
They heard a car pulling in to the drive.
“That’s my mom you better hurry and get out of here. She is afraid of having anyone over or me going to anyone’s houses.” Yujin gasped as she quickly undid the strap on.
Heather grabbed it and shoved it up her own pussy had to stop as a climax raced through her then shoved the rest in. They all put on their panties (With the exception of Jessica whose panties were on already) and then Yujin raced them out the back and quickly went upstairs to change.
Chapter 5:
Mrs. Murphy was troubled. She was certain of what her daughter was doing. She was confused about it to. Her husband had known about her one night stand with Jessica’s mother a few years back and had lest her for it. It was true that Mrs. Murphy had done one lesbian thing once, and she still didn’t regret it… but her daughter. That was different. She also was strangely aroused by the thought though. And that confused her even more. She called up Jessica’s mother’s cell phone.
“Hey Paula.” She said
“Oh Hi Lindsey!” Paula said back.
“Yeah, you remember that one night two years back?” She asked nervously.
“When can we do it again.”
“I’m out of town right now but I’ll be back Saturday and I think Jack will be gone that weekend.”
”Great cause I need to blow off some steam.”
Due to the previous and disgusting comment not related to this blog, and the fact that again somebody is posting comments under (in this case Ashley's name), comments will now be moderated.
This was a forum where everyone could post their views.
Looks like now we get to decide what goes on the blog which was not the original intention.
Ok i guess the person who put the disgusting story on there is happy with themselves, because since then nothing has been written on the blog site.
To that person get a life, if you do not like what is being written on this blog site well then dont read it, no is making you read it.
This blog site was to help people express there feeling and thoughts, people who are to scared to speak out beacuse the fear they will lose there jobs or be treated differently.
Everyone is entitled to have a say weather or not they want to put there name to it who cares.
If you take offense to what people are writting do not log in to read it. But by trying to stop it you are effecting people who want to have a say on the topic.
This site is very good for staff to write how they feel and know that no one knows it was them.
There are 2 sides on this blog, instead of being so close minded take the time to see where other staff memebers are coming from.
By putting that dirty story on here to try and stop people from reading the blog well all i have to say is you are one sick person.
Please i encourage you all to give the blog another go, ignore the story.
Lets show them that we are better then that and fill this blog with our thoughts and comments
Here here to the previous are so right this is an opportunity for us to express our views and some jerk thinks they can spoil it for everyone well you won't.
Thankyou now lets get back to it and support what we believe.
Please staff and non staff memebers lets get this going again.
wow|a positive outcome was achieved last week with the workers comp issue.great work guys whats next.we'd like to thank all the positive comments in our fight for your rights in the work place.come on the rest of yous the more people in the fight the bigger the outcome.
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