Just as we predicted, Sanitarium Management has now stooped to an all-time low by refusing workers their democratic right to have the union represent them after they 'railroaded' workers to accept a non-union agreement at Berkeley Vale. These workers by agreeing to accept a non-union agreement has allowed Sanitarium to prevent the union coming on site to represent or speak to its members. Cooranbong Management now intend to hurt their workers in the same way but you can put a stop to this by fighting back and supporting your UNION.
Let's Never forget Sanitarium's real agenda:
1. Get an unenforcable agreement where your rights and conditions can be taken away at any time after you accept the 'Employee Agreement'.
2. There is little or no avenue for the union or the Industrial Relations Commission to intervene when the agreement is 'breached'.
Employee Agreement = Your Rights Removed, No Representation, No Enforcement of the Agreement
UNION Agreement = Better Conditions, Rights Protected and Representation when you need it.
Here we go again. Management at Cooranbong maintain they support fairness for all employees. The union is prepared to put the question to a vote to all Cooranbong employees: Do you support a union agreement? You can't get any fairer than that. What is Management's reponse you may ask...They are NOT prepared to support a vote on what the majority of employees want...instead they prefer to ignore the wishes of their workers and force workers to accept a document that removes their rights, strips away their award conditions and removes any representation for union members. Seems we have a new puppet in our ranks. Watch out for the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!
Can you believe the sheer incompetence of this place? We have a perfect opportunity to right the wrongs of the past in this company's poor IR record and work collectively with the union and establish mutual respect. Our management simply and as per normal, foolishly head back to the past and implement more of the very things that are tearing the place apart...wake up management and show some leadership or we will do it for you. I have never taken part in any strike nor have i been a union member until very recently but I look forward to the day when we finally stand up for what's right which I expect to be very soon if the latest company letter is anything to go by.
i am a employee here at cooranbong and don't understand why we can't have 2 agreements running side by side. if employees wish to be in a union agreement so be it and visa versa this way everybody would be happy. by being forced into something you don't want leaves you bitter and unhappy which promotes lack of care in the work place and the i don't give a stuff attitude which helps produce poor quality products and cost the company money when people see things going down the gurgler and say who gives a stuff not my problem. so sanitarium get out of the 17th century and the dark ages and run 2 agreements and everybody will be happy. can't be any easier than that.
Do Sanitarium Management think we are stupid? Blind Freddy can see that the reason why they don't want the union to be part of the agreement is because they then want to keep them away so we will be left to fend for ourselves. It is interesting though in the company letter that they receive legal advice but expect their employees to deal directly on their own.
Mr Miller hang your head in shame. If these are the actions of a Berkeley Vale manager who is also a Church Pastor, no wonder the Church membership is in such decline.
just like to thank all those who have contacted me with favourable comments about the letter i sent to Robert Miller. As you can see this company won't change no matter who they put into the managers position. The strings are all still being pulled from a group of ancient old farts at berkeley vale. So it's time to really get stuck into them as the words to a famous song go (you ain't seen nothing yet) and a tv commercial (coming to a store near you). Well Sanitarium very shortly you will be listening when companies start to jump up and down
Current Affair ran an episode on charities and how only 14cents in the dollar reaches those that it's intended for. Charities don't have to show their books to prove where the money goes. Only 2 charities in australia have open books so that the public can see where their donations have gone. Guess what! Sanitarium isn't one of them. So Sanitarium how many cents in your dollar really go to adra and the rest goes down to Woollahra to feed the rich fat cats in head office?
having two agreements in one work place is open to many problems.they already excell at playing workers against each other. so can you imagine one worker being paid one way and another not getting paid at all for the same work.yeah they,d get on so well eh!
My nane is Jenny and I work for a large company at Warick Farm that produces hygenic products and we are all in the union and have a great union agreement in place. One of my best friends works there at Sanitarium Cooranbong and I am totally appauld to learn that Sanitarium won't even sit down with the union to discuss a union agreement. I believe workers all over the country should be told about their plight and we should all support workers rights for a union agreement. We have a meeting organised for next week and I will be asking for all our members and their families to boycott Sanitarium products until the workers there get a fair go.
Sani not negotiating with the union is just another example of how they put money before people. By not allowing us representation it gives them an unfair advantage pitting their lawyers and accountants against us factory workers to secure an unfair agreement. It’s like going to court and being told that we can’t use a lawyer.
It’s clear that the incompetent management of this company is unable to make a profit unless wages are unfair. If they didn’t waste so much money on magic beans, white elephant hydrators, and pay, $100,000’s in fines to sewage providers and countless other examples of ineptitude they wouldn’t need to make the money back by screwing over the worker, the only people in this company doing a decent job.
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